Saturday, December 26, 2009

Is it possible to store oil for future use?

Is it possible to store oil (crude or refined) in a container. My uncle built a shelter and he wants to store oil in it that needs to last 50 years and still stay fresh. I don't think it is possible, does anyone know?Is it possible to store oil for future use?
Crude oil has been in the ground for millions of years. It won't notice another 50. Refined gasoline degrades in months, but you can buy fuel stabilizers Less refined products like fuel oil, motor oil, and kerosene should stay stable for years, but who knows what kind of oil engines 50 years more advanced will need, or even if we will still be using internal combustion engines.

Common practice for emergency and backup fuel supplies is to consume them and then replenish them every few months or years.Is it possible to store oil for future use?
Yes, it is possible. A steel container will rust, but an aluminum container will last much longer. Aluminum forms a hard oxide layer that protects it against further oxidation.

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