Thursday, January 7, 2010

What exactly does Marvel Mystery Oil do for your engine?

My dad swears using Marvel Mystery Oil keeps his engine running like new and claims his high mileage (390k) is because of using it at every oil change. What exactly is marvel Mystery oil made from and how does it keep an engine running clean or like new?What exactly does Marvel Mystery Oil do for your engine?
As a fellow MMO user I agree with your dad. I love the stuff and use it in everything from my two Hondas to my Chevy and lawn equipment. I'm in the same boat as you are, father uses it religiously and I guess I just ran with the ';tradition';. One thing I can tell you is that he had a 55 ford with a 272 wide block which he drove from '65 until he finally got tired of it and bought another truck in '99. The only two things that went wrong with that trucks' engine were the fuel filter needed changed on occasion and it needed a valve job in 1999 (it didn't have harded valve seats).

So what does it do? Well in the oil I can tell you this much - when we took the 272 apart to do a valve job the inside of that ';running for 30+ years'; did not have one spec of sludge - like it was put together the day before.

You can also add MMO to the oil which acts like an upper cylinder lubricant. Lead used to perform this function but as you can guess, you can't buy leaded gasoline anymore, for quite a while actually. New cars have harded valve seats (what lead use to help lubricate) but I still think it's a good thing to have a upper cylinder lubricant. MMO also helps to keep your fuel system clean... add a little at each fill up instead of waiting for a problem then ';trying'; to clean it with fuel injector cleaner.

Anyhow... not too scientific but do what I did, go with your father's experiences.

Go over to MMO website and read up on it.What exactly does Marvel Mystery Oil do for your engine?
It is called mystery oil because they will not release the formula . What it is , is an upper cylinder lube . It actually is more important now with unleaded gas than it used to be . The stuff works . It will also free up a motor that has set for a while and the piston rings have stuck .
its a mystery...they throw whatever scraps they've got in and melt it dwn...its a mystery what ya get...i had an old bananna in one once...go with a good brand, with an engine guarentee and a synthetic...if u do chose synthetic, stick with it, its bad to switch back in forth.....good luck!

edit: hah, i swear i didnt see that guy said that as well^ lol. i guess great minds think alike! lol
No more than regular oil changes. It's called ';Mystery'; oil to lure suckers into buying it.
its a mystery....
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